■各種契約・合意書条項例集 |
和文 |
英文 |
定義/Definition |
目的、業務の範囲/Purpose, Scope of Works |
指名、権利付与、役務の提供、雇用等/Appointment, Grant of Rights, Render of Services, Employment, etc. |
/Obligations of the Parties, Joint and Several Liability, etc. |
申込み、販売、受諾等/Offer, Sale, Acceptance, etc. |
契約関係、独立性/Privity, Independence |
表示及び保証/Representation and Warranty |
業務の履行/Performance of Work |
独占性、競業等/Exclusivity, Competition, etc. |
個々の契約書、注文、引渡し、船積み等/Individual Contracts, Order, Delivery, Shipment, etc. |
金型、工具、機械等/Dies, Tools, Machines, etc. |
保守、予備部品等/Maintenance, Spare Parts, etc. |
検査、品質管理等/Inspection, Quality Control, etc. |
購入、製造、実施等に関するスケジュール/Schedule for Purchasing, Manufacturing, Performance, etc . |
技術情報、設計、図面、規格等/Technical Information, Designs, Drawings, Standards, etc. |
技術指導、訓練、支援等/Technical Guidance, Training, Support, etc. |
価格/Price |
対価、コミッション、給与、賃金等/Consideration, Commission, Salary, Wages, etc. |
支払い/Payment |
費用、経費等/Expenses, Charges, etc |
危険、保険等/Risks, Insurance, etc. |
情報交換、報告、会合等/Exchange of Information, Report, Meeting, etc. |
労働時間、作業地、福利厚生、違法行為等/Work Hours, Place of Works, Welfare, Mis-conduct, etc. |
融資、賃貸、保証金等/Loan, Tenancy, Bonds, etc. |
返済、金利等/Repayment, Interest, etc. |
保全、修繕、使用制限等/Maintenance, Repair, Restriction on Use, etc. |
建物の利用方法等/Usage of Building, etc. |
クロージング/Closing |
資産、資金、出資、株式等/Assets, Funds, Capital, Shares, etc. |
会計、記録、帳簿、税金等/Accounting, Record, Books, Taxes, etc. |
保証、クレーム等/Warranty, Claim, etc. |
補償、責任の制限、製造物責任等/Indemnification, Limitation of Liability, Product Liability, etc. |
所有権/Property Right |
工業所有権、侵害等/Industrial Property Right, Infringements, etc. |
商標、商号、著作権等の使用/Use of Trademarks, Trade Name, Copyright, etc. |
成果、発明、公表等/Results, Inventions, Publication, etc. |
改良、新製品、設計変更等/Improvements, New Products, Design Changes, etc. |
他契約との関係/Relationship to Other Agreement |
先行条件、収用等/Conditions Precedent, Condemnations, etc. |
広告、販売促進、市場開拓等/Advertising, Sales Promotion, Marketing, etc. |
秘密保持/Confidentiality |
発効日、期間、更新等/Effective Date, Term, Renewal, etc. |
契約違反、終了、解除等/Breach of Agreement, Termination, Cancellation, etc. |
終了後の措置/Steps after Termination |
通知/Notice |
仲裁、裁判管轄、紛争処理/Arbitration, Jurisdiction, Dispute Settlement |
不可抗力/Force Majeure |
権利放棄/Waiver |
譲渡/Assignment |
準拠法、解釈、貿易条件/Governing Law, Interpretation, Trade Terms |
完全なる合意、修正/Entire Agreement, Modification |
分離可能性/Severability |
言語/Language |
表題/Headings |
遵法/Compliance with Laws |
その他/Others |